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Year 8 Graduation work

Year 8 complete outstanding graduation work

The end of the academic year for Year 8 students usually ends with their graduation evening. Due to the coronavirus pandemic this has not been possible. However, this has not stopped them working hard on their Graduation Challenges!

The aim of graduation is to celebrate the success and achievements of all students and to ensure they are KS4 ready. At the start of the year they are issued with a graduation booklet which includes a range of challenges and tasks to be completed both inside and outside school. The points earned from the challenges they choose and complete determine if they graduate with a pass, a merit or distinction.

As some of the challenges in the booklet were not possible during COVID-19, Miss Cork added a 14 day lockdown challenge:

Day 1 – Selfie with a word describing you

Day 2 – Make a list of 5 things that make you proud to be you 

Day 3 -  Complete a random act of kindness

Day 4 – Design your own 20 minute fitness activity and get someone to complete it with you

Day 5 – Choose a range of objects from around the house and test to see if they will float or sink

Day 6 – Writing Task – You’ve been given three wishes, what would they be and why?

Day 7 – Draw a self-portrait, this could be a picture of you or something that represents you

Day 8 – Using whatever materials you wish can you design a boat that floats on water

Day 9 – Can you make something out of recycled materials

Day 10 – Can you make music using water and a variety of glasses

Day 11 – Make a flip book story eg: A rocket taking off or a stick man doing exercise

Day 12- Email one of your teachers to say thank you for something copy in your form tutor

Day 13 – Make an A to Z list on a topic you are interested in

Day 14 – Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Here are some examples, but we also received some fabulous videos too:





Well done Year 8!!