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Governing Body

The Governing Body is chaired by Anton Lawrence (as of 2 October 2023).

Committee Structure

Committee Chair Members
Leadership and
Management Group
Anton Lawrence

Ria Mohammed

Ian Bedwell

David Ramsden (Headteacher)

Finance and 
Resources Committee
Ria Mohammed

Rachel Hearn-Phillips (SLT Link)

Ken Somner

Roger Turner

Anton Lawrence

Debbie Sadler

David Ramsden (Headteacher)

Behaviour, Welfare
and Safety Committee
Dana Cathrew

Josh Coulson (Deputy Head)

Claudete Sirquiera

Sharon Andrews

Ken Somner

Stuart Lonsdale

David Ramsden (Headteacher)

Teaching and
Learning Committee

Kayley Button (Deputy Head)

Ian Bedwell

Sarah East

Maggie Dutton

Claudete Sirquiera

David Ramsden (Headteacher)

Ian Bedwell

David Ramsden (Headteacher)

Sarah East

Sam Chaventré (SLT Link)

Maggie Dutton

Stephen Young

The full organisation chart can be viewed here.

All committees feed into the Full Governing Body Meetings. A log of governor attendance at all meetings can be downloaded here.

Please refer to this document for the Terms of Office.

The Clerk to the Governors is Heather O'Mahoney. Should you have any questions regarding our Governing Body, please email

The Role of a Governor

A summary of ‘What a Governor does’ briefing sheet may help explain a Governor’s role and what they have committed to do throughout the year.

Governor Recruitment 

We are always interested in hearing from anyone in the local community who is interested in Governance. 

We invite applications from anyone in the local area so this could be a parent, or another family member, or someone you know who is interested in supporting the school.

If you, or someone you know, would like to talk to the Chair of Governors about becoming a Governor, please contact Heather O'Mahoney at

Governor Code of Conduct and Register of Business Interests

Every governor signs that they will comply with the code of conduct for governors.  Governors also register any business or financial interests on an annual basis.  For the academic year 2022/23 governors presented a nil return for any business or pecuniary interest, with governors who work in an organisation outside of the school declaring their post and the organisation they work for. 

Financial Transparency

As part of the financial transparency regulations the Department of Education have included two reporting requirements for maintained schools.


Local Authority (LA) maintained schools are required to publish a link to the schools financial benchmarking website, where the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statement of income, expenditure and balances is published. For more information on Little Heath School’s financial status, please view our financial benchmarking page here

Individuals earning over £100,000

All LA maintained schools are required to publish on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100,000 in £10k bandings.

For the 23/24 financial year:

Salary range Number of employees
£100,000 - £109,999 0
£110,000 - £119,999 0
£120,000 - £130,000 1