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Please find below a list of statutory and recommended policies and documents for your reference. We recognise the importance of keeping policies updated and communicated effectively to parents, so that they are real documents outlining the principles behind the work of the school.

As governors review and ratify policies according to their annual schedule, statutory policies which we are required to publish on our website and those of interest to parents will be shown on this page.

Should you require any policy that is not listed below, or require a paper copy, please contact the Main Office on 0118 9427337 or

Statutory Policies

  1. Admissions Policy 2023-24
  2. Behaviour and Attendance policies:
  3. Careers Policy, including Provider Access Policy
  4. Charging and Remissions policy, and flowchart
  5. Data Protection, including Privacy Notices
  6. Equality, including Disability Accessibility Plan
  7. Special Educational Needs
  8. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
  9. Complaints Policy

Additional Useful Documents

  1. Home-School Agreement
  2. Offsite Activities Policy
  3. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  4. Freedom of Information Policy
  5. IT Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
  6. Purchase Order terms and conditions